Opinion: Students need more places to study late

I share the frustration that many students have about the library hours.

I am a night owl, so I get a lot of my school work done in the later hours of the day. In addition, almost every semester I have taken a night class that doesn’t get out until 8:50 p.m. So by the time I get to the library and get situated, I have roughly an hour to do school work before I am rushed out of the library at 10 o’clock sharp. On weekends the hours are even worse.

I do appreciate the extended hours given during finals week, but this isn’t the only time we have loads of work to do … it is all semester long. Keeping the library open 24/7 doesn’t seem to be what the students are looking for, and it certainly isn’t what I am asking. But I do, however, think keeping the library open till at least midnight Monday through Thursday would ease the demand and desire for longer library hours.

Almost all professors have assignments due at 11:59 p.m. on Canvas. Keeping the library open till midnight would give students who don’t have internet access or a computer a better opportunity for success.

At most universities there are places either on or around campus for students to study all night. And yes, our campus is much smaller than many of these schools, but that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve similar privileges.

If the university’s main goal is for students to be successful, than the issue shouldn’t be taken lightly. Students need a quiet, safe place to go to study with access to computers, printers and other materials.  And as USFSP continues to grow its student body, the demand for longer library hours is also going to grow.

The need for longer hours is present. As a senior heading towards graduation, it is possible that extended library hours is something that I won’t see happen during my last few months here. But I hope for the sake of current and future students that administrators think this something worth considering.

It’s no secret how expensive college is, so let’s help give the students what they need to succeed.

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