Opinion: Your personal Bull-o-Scope

Your horoscope at your service. Created by a fellow, and comprised of complete, Bull.


March 21- April 19

How’s that New Year’s resolution coming along? I guess that “New-Year-New-Me” fit-spirational post on Instagram that you made on Jan. 1 promising to go to the gym for 25 hours a day, 8 days a week didn’t exactly work out, huh? Don’t sweat it (because you clearly haven’t been sweating at all, especially at the gym) and relax. You have been putting more time into your personal life and studies, which is commendable and should not go unnoticed. Self-improvement is not limited solely to physical appearance.

There will be a big decision for you to make in the near future. Before you get overwhelmed, consider your resources#speak to an advisor, an RA or even a friend. Your tendency of being super independent is fantastic and all, but just remember that you have a great support system right here at USFSP.  Keep on running through the six with your woes.


April 20- May 20

The semester ends in a few weeks, the sun is out, and you have been spending almost every bit of your free time sleeping, tweeting, instagramming, netflixing and lurking on your ex. While personal time is great and all, there may be a deeper issue at root. Your reluctance to socialize with others, and your reputation of being the person to cancel last minute, indicates that you, Taurus, may have a few social butterflies in your stomach. One day, instead of locking yourself in your dorm, get lost in St. Petersburg … well, not too lost. With your student ID in hand, take a bus (for FREE) and see what this beautiful city has to offer. Rent a bike from the school and take a smooth ride to Vinoy Park. Have a photoshoot at the Pier with a friend. Just do something. We miss you.


May 21-June 21

Impressive. You’ve got your money up. You’ve brought your grades up. Everything seems to be going just great for you, Gemini. It’s almost as if you were born this successful#but guess what? You weren’t. It does not have to be Thanksgiving for you to give thanks to those who have helped you. Forget the gifts; you do not need to flex and buy things for people to show your appreciation.  Call your parents and thank them for being supportive. Email an old high school teacher, and tell him about your college experience so far and ask how he is doing. Material things are great, but do not get too caught up with that. Remember where you came from, playa’.


June 22- July 22

It’s really hard for you to be as kind-hearted as you once were because of a bad experience. Don’t let bad people change your perspective on life. You’re awesome, even though, unfortunately, your ability to care for those you love might be compromised if your good intentions turn cold with anger or suspicion. Overreacting isn’t useful, but neither is retreating into your shell. Take a deep breath and just be cool with expressing how you truly feel to those around you. If they don’t like it, that’s just too bad. As our friend Taylor Swift says: “The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.”


July 23- Aug. 22

You want to take time off to play today but you might have too many responsibilities to just get up and go. Remember: no pain, no gain. Try to work a bit harder in your field, so that when the time comes, you can relax without feeling too guilty. But, time for relaxation is definitely near, because romance is still very much on your personal agenda. Of course, you’ll need to finish up your chores, but once that’s over, you’ll be free to fully commit yourself to the concept of nothing but recreation. You being the romantic, it won’t be difficult to entice that certain companion to join you. Leo, you are on fire.

Aside from the hot and steamy romance, and your desire for fun, take a few moments to fully address your personal feelings. Don’t lose yourself trying while trying to find someone else.


Aug. 23- Sept. 22

There has been a noticeable pattern of you acting on impulse, Virgo. You have an ongoing thirst for adventure, thrill and pleasure, but spending recklessly will not give you what you need. However, some exciting phone calls at midday might perk you up, perhaps good news from a friend or colleague. Try to do something different these next weekends. You may feel like there’s nothing you feel passionate about today, or that what you do feel passionate about is just out of reach. Give yourself the benefit of physical satisfaction. While this can mean almost anything, try to focus on getting rest and fulfilling your dietary needs#not only wants.


Sept. 23- Oct. 22

Your long-term objectives are not too secured, especially if others are relying on you more than you expected. Unfortunately, you could be so enthusiastic about your awesome skills that you over-commit every which way you turn today. It will hurt, but when someone asks for your time and know # genuinely know # that you cannot commit, try to immediately say “no” without any room for negotiation. It hinders many problems from occurring later on. Nevertheless, you’re now being guided by a sensible inner voice that reminds you to slow down and be methodical in your approach, which is pretty sick.


Oct. 23- Nov. 21

You may keep having the same thoughts over and over in your head, Scorpio. Each day you may work out a different scenario for the way it comes to an end. Dreaming is great, but there needs to be a bit more pump in your step. Try putting more actions with your dreams instead of solely dreaming, and your thoughts will turn into a reality. Write down your most reoccurring thoughts on a piece of paper, and look at it once a day for motivation and as a reminder. In the meantime,  stay calm and turn to others when you get into a bind along the way. An unexpected (well, I guess it is a little expected now) shift in power awaits you, but it is not anything you cannot handle. You got it, dude.


Nov. 22- Dec. 21

Such a HUGE ego! Your confidence levels have increased and this is indicative in your recent successes. By you stepping out on a strong and sturdy foot, things seem to have been going your way as of lately.  Friendship issues can come to a head this week with a Lunar Eclipse occurring, soon bringing unresolved issues to the surface, Sagittarius. Take advantage of this powerful energy by channeling it into setting new goals. With these new goals, and your confidence, there is no telling what you can do! You were probably quite irritated with someone who has betrayed you recently, and remnants of those feelings could be hanging over your heart right now. Get over it.


Dec. 22- Jan. 19

Each day that passes is a new chance for you to start off clean, dearest Capricorn. There seems to be a lot of regret in your heart as of late, and that is not good. Try to work on repairing some of the unintentionally burned bridges and a deeper sense of satisfaction will follow. Try waking up in the mornings with a very positive and refreshing outlook. Look at the sky, grass and people around you, and find pleasure in the smaller things. Your nice personality and easy-going attitude has caused some minute issues; staying “on-the-fence” as a way to maintain peace has gotten a bit played out. Get off the fence and be clear when communicating with a group. You have only your self-respect to gain by speaking up for what you believe in # and any friendships that may end, well, the universe promises that it will ultimately be for your benefit. Don’t worry, mon.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your love life has been a bit flippity-floppity for the past few weeks. To decrease this level of uncertainty and imbalance, focus on establishing what you want out of whatever you’re doing. You’re apt to move in and out of sync with people in general, Aquarius. At first it may seem quite natural and easy to be in your situation, and then the next minute you feel alone and uncomfortable. Once again, finding exactly what you want out of whatever you’re doing, regardless of it being romantic or not, is crucial. Understand that it’s fine to have two conflicting feelings at the same time. You’re normal. Everyone goes through it!


Feb. 19-March 20

Keep out the outstanding work. Do not feel hesitant when it comes along to pleasing yourself or doing something that you want to do.  You were once thinking about an idea, which turned into a goal; now you’re chasing it. There’s a point at which the chase is exciting and another point at which it’s exhausting. Pace yourself. It’s going to be so worth it in the long run! Do not let your strength and goals intimidate you!

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