I can’t believe that the school year is almost over, it seems like it was yesterday that The Crow’s Nest printed its first issue.
Here we are, almost eight months later, with a completely different paper than what we started out with in August.
As you have seen throughout the year, The Crow’s Nest took different approaches to design and reporting on news, but with each change, the paper improved and grew because of our campus and students.
I hope that you enjoyed this year’s Crow’s Nest issues, and in the future, I believe that The Crow’s Nest will continue to grow and change with the campus.
As the editor-in-chief of The Crow’s Nest, it’s been a pleasure to work along side The Crow’s Nest staff in serving our campus and the St. Petersburg community.
Next year, I know that your new editor-in-chief will bring more innovation and creativity to the paper, so make sure that you keep your eyes open for a new and improved Crow’s Nest for the 2011-2012 school year.