“Today, women are more likely than men to start a business. They need a president who respects and understands what they do.”
—Mitt Romney, accepting the Republican Party’s nomination for President of the United States
“If we were in New York, there were plenty of moments we would have been arrested,” Brendon Hunt, an Occupy Wall Street protester told the Tampa Bay Times. Tampa Police chief Jane Castor received praise from area leaders for the low number of protester-related arrests at the Republican National Convention. Protester turnout was much lower than the 15,000 expected. The federal government spent more than $50 million on convention security.
“The modern Republican Party became the party of limited government, lower taxes, less regulation …The modern Democratic Party became one with a more expansive view of the role of government in running people’s lives and deciding whether you were allowed to drink large glasses of sugared soda, and other key issues.”
—Conservative lobbyist and Americans for Tax Reform founder and president Grover Norquist speaking at USF St. Petersburg on Aug. 29.
“I’m in Tampa’s famous strip club district, or as they call it here, Tampa.”
—Jason Jones, Daily Show correspondent
“I didn’t set out to write a book of color.”
—Michael Grunwald, explaining retail giant Amazon’s ranking of “The New New Deal” as a “blue book.” Amazon’s editorial team has created a new heat map, designating books as either left or right leaning, and tracking sales leading up to the November election.