Gay Straight Alliance promotes diversity

The Gay Straight Alliance at USF St. Petersburg is scouting for long-term members this semester through campus outreach and the strengthening of a few traditions.

The purpose of the organization is to “promote diversity and acceptance on campus and in the community.”

“We seek to foster a safe place for anyone,” said President Nicole Katsihtis, who feels misconceptions about the organization may be holding off some potential members.

“The biggest stereotype we deal with is that people assume that GSA is only for gay people,” she said.

There are current members of the group that identify as gay, bisexual, lesbian, straight (allies), queer and transgender. Others choose not to disclose their orientation.

“We do not require anyone to talk about their identity or views,” Katsihtis said. “We are about acceptance and diversity.”

About 25 people currently contribute to the Gay Straight Alliance at varying levels. Katsihtis said that there is “a small core of very dedicated members,” while a lot of other people drift in and out throughout the year. Members must attend at least three meetings or events to gain voting privileges.

“We had a very strong turnout at the beginning of last semester, but we have seen a decline,” she said. “It’s especially bad closer to major weeks like midterms or finals, but we make it clear that no one is obligated to attend and that school is a higher priority.”

Especially important for their membership is letting people know what the group is up to and how they can participate. They are planning to make a strong push for new people at the upcoming Get On Board Day and Club Crawl, the biannual icebreaking events for organizations at USFSP. They also recently unveiled a new Facebook page and website.

The GSA experience revolves around the weekly meetings, which take place every Tuesday from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Coral Room of the University Student Center. They fall somewhere between business and social gatherings, according to Katsihtis.

“It all depends on the agenda and flow of the week. We have business meetings, where we have amendments to pass, events that we are planning, etc. We also try to have more social meetings, where we get to know everyone, and talk about what’s going on for them.”

A big part of the group’s goal is to host events and outreach that promotes awareness, like Coming Out Day, and safe sex talks. The club’s biggest event is an annual drag show, coming up on its fourth year this semester. Members also participate in the annual St. Pete Pride parade, where they march and set up an information booth.

There is also a more casual social element to the group. Informal events include picnics and kayaking trips. Katsihtis hopes there is something for everyone.

“This is my second year with the organization and I have seen it become more accepted and well-known than ever,” said Katsihtis.

GSA also sponsors a community service project with Pinellas County schools, promoting awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer issues and providing students with information on available resources and support groups. They also mentor students through a group called Pinellas Youth Pride that funds high school alliance organizations.

Many members of the USFSP GSA were involved with similar groups in high school, and now have a chance to return the favor.

“Personally, I never had a high school GSA experience of my own, but from what I’ve seen going into the schools and working with them, we are a growth of it. Now we’re older and working to educate and help younger members of the community,” Katsihtis said.

For more information on the organization, visit

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