It starts with a child’s voice. Then, alternating children sing the words most Americans have memorized: “America, the Beautiful.” It’s uttered in multiple languages and gorgeous scenery flash before a
Month: February 2014

For the first 14 years of my life, the stories of the Bible were the only foundation for my beliefs. I refused to believe anything else because I was never

“Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?” In a debate last week, Ken Ham, an Aussie and the CEO of Answers in Genesis, defended the

Last Tuesday, an evolutionist and a creationist got together to talk about how they disagree on how the universe came into existence. Haven’t we done this before? Despite how tired
U.S. Figure Skating, the governing body of the sport in the United States, has more than 140,000 members. The chances of being among the four skaters that compete in the
If you’ve ever had a casual sexual experience with someone, taking part in what our moms’ therapists are now calling “hookup culture,” you’re at risk of never finding love. This
Ballrooms are set to become conference rooms as Douglas McElhaney, coordinator and retired U.S. foreign ambassador, ushers in activists and diplomats for a three-day discussion of world issues. The World
Andrew Hart, the supervisor of elections for Student Government, doesn’t just wait for packets to arrive to approve potential candidates. He spends months planning polling locations, organizing election packets and

Sydney Whitfield didn’t purchase all her required textbooks this semester. She enrolled late in her Environmental Science course and wasn’t able to purchase the $90 book ahead of time. Her
Valentine’s Day is this Friday. *Cue cheering couples and the monotonous booing of the perpetually single.* Whether you’re celebrating the 14th with someone sweet, or just enjoying the sugary delights