Students got their creative juices flowing at the Reuse-a-Bull Fashion show, where designers created a wardrobe from materials you would find in the trash.
Models strutted down the catwalk in their garbage attire on April 13 in the University Student Center ballroom while guests chowed down on Tijuana Flats tacos. The event was coordinated by Catherine Kouretsos, university relations director, and Nora Khatcherian from The Needle Arts Club.
The event was judged by Jozef Gherman, the newly-elected student body president, Juan Salazar, vice president, and Senator Beenly Khoum.
Amaura May won first place and a brand new Xbox 360. Allison Vilardi modeled the design # an elegant dress made from a box, plastic bags and St. Petersburg pamphlets. May said the dress took about six hours to make during numerous Needle Art Club meetings.
Khatcherian won second place with her Wonder Woman inspired design, sported by Chiana Hamilton.
A Marie Antoinette-inspired dress designed by Lillie Wiszniewski and modeled by Stephanie Eide, and made from stockings, plastic bags and flower petals won third place.
Freshman Cadin Small said he designed outfits for Jenesia Jackson, Chardonnay Tyson and Dominique Euzebe using cereal boxes, duct tape, trash bags, yarn and paint splotches.
Jackson’s outfit won best use of recycled materials. Tyson and Euzebe’s outfits won “trashiest.”
Rachel Clemetson won best walk with a design made from chipotle bags and plastic bags, which Khatcherian whipped up 20 minutes before the show.
The show displayed innovation and style using material with trash-can origins.