A memorial for the lives lost in Sept. 11 terrorist attack.
In commemoration of the lives lost in the 911 attacks in 2001, “A Day of Remembrance” event
will take place on Friday, Sept. 11, hosted by Student Government’s Department of Veteran
The ceremony will take place from 13 p.m., beginning with a soft opening of the new Military
and Veterans Success Center in Terrace 301. The event will continue at 6 p.m. with a
complimentary Carrabba’s catered dinner in the USC ballroom, followed by a performance of
The StarSpangled Banner by USFSP’s Autumn Hollowell. There will be multiple tables to make
donations to 9/11 memorial organizations.
The event is open to all of the USFSP community.
“My goal and reasoning in creating the Day of Remembrance is to have an event on campus for
all of us to be able to have an uplifting day full of unity, remembrance and reflection,” said
Kaitlyn Mollo, student government secretary of veteran affairs and event coordinator.
And for Mollo, there is more to the day than just remorse. She wants her peers to feel that, too.
“Even though Sept. 11 marks a cheerless day, I also wanted to make sure there was some fun
involved,” she said. “I deeply hope that this event will fulfill all of these goals.”