The USFSP community bade an emotional farewell to alumna Melanie Bullock.
More than 50 people attended Bullock’s going away party in a University Student Center ballroom to celebrate her time with the university. For three years, she served as the assistant director of leadership and student organizations.

Friends and co-workers of USFSP employee Melanie Bullock (center, second to last row) throw a going away party for the alumna. Bullock accepted a position at Wake Forest University in North Carolina; her last day was March 17.
Bullock took a new job at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, her last day at USFSP was March 17.
She worked behind the scenes on school events such as homecoming, TEDx discussions and Week of Welcome. Her duties ranged from working with various programming teams to strategic planning and promoting student involvement.
Bullock said working on homecoming was her favorite, but when asked what she would miss the most, it was the people.
“I don’t think you all realize how you’ve impacted me and helped me grow as a person,” Bullock said, addressing the room.
The party began with a few words from Matthew Morrin, Director of Student Life & Engagement, who praised Bullock, and said that she was the core of the organization.
“I think she is the backbone, but I don’t think backbone is the right word. I’m going to go with the heart,” said Morrin.
A short video followed that featured Bullock’s friends and coworkers saying goodbye and congratulating her on the new position.
Those who couldn’t be in the video spoke their heartfelt goodbyes at the party, many pointing out how Bullock changed their lives for the better.
“I’m going to miss her positive spirit, and how when she walks into a room, it lights up,” said Iannah Johnson, a student and friend of Bullock.
Bullock said that working at USFSP changed her life.
“Everyone has been a blessing and has enriched my life – the people, the students, my colleagues,” she said.
“Having known these people, especially in this space, makes my heart warm.”