In case you missed Get on Board Day, here’s a brief highlight of some of the wonderful clubs available on campus.
By Delaney Brown
Dozens of campus groups set up tables on Harborwalk outside the University Student Center Thursday, while students milled about discovering almost all the opportunities and clubs the university has to offer.
With clubs from Student Government to the South Asian Student Association in attendance, students looking to get involved had plenty to choose from.
“College isn’t just about what happens in the classroom,” said Augustine Haile, sophomore anthropology major. “Getting involved with extracurriculars lets you explore your interests and connect with people like you.”
If classes prevented you from attending the event, here’s a rundown of a few clubs that were at Get On Board Day.
Gospel Choir

The gospel choir started in the Fall 2016 with only five members. Tripling in size this semester, they come together to sing the music they love. Many in the group are self-taught, and never received any formal musical education. That doesn’t stop them from reaching out to the community to spread the joy of music.
Sophomore mass communications major and founding member Shani Tracey said the club is about “spreading the love, not the religion.”
The group is excited to bring back events like the popular “Night of Celebration” as well as roll out new collaborations with groups like PRIDE club.
South Florida All Stars
Want to show off your moves? Then the South Florida All Stars is the club for you.
Sophomore mass communications major Kate Walker said although she joined the team to continue her dance passion, it’s the girls on the team that make her stay.
“The South Florida All Stars girls are all about dance, USF and their teammates,” Walker said. “I love all the people on the team; we’re all just on the same page.”
Like Walker, some of the girls came to the dance team with years of experience under their belt. However, no experience is

necessary to join.
In addition to performing at events like Homecoming, and bringing back signature events like “Dancing with the All Stars”, a fun competitive event between faculty and members of the team, the Stars will also be hosting clinics to help people become more confident and comfortable with dancing.
If you’re looking to join the Stars or just want to brush up on some technique, clinics will be held at the Fitness Center11 a.m – 1 p.m Aug. 26 and 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Aug. 27.
Marine Adventures Club:
If you’re obsessed with ocean life and conservation, then there’s Marine Adventures Club. The club of self-declared “marine bio nerds” meets Thursdays from 4-5p.m. to talk about conservation, environmental stewardship, and marine sustainability.
The club has several activities planned for the 2017-18 school year; documentary screenings, trivia nights, and lionfish safaris are all events that members look forward to.
For sophomore biology major Jazmine Cloutier, the Marine Adventures Club is helping her realize her dream of being a zoological filmmaker.
“Zoology and sharks are my things,” Coultier said. “The Marine Adventures Club has helped me learn how to advocate for environmental issues important to me.”
The USFSP Video Game Club:
For those of you that know your way around a controller, the USFSP Video Game Club has a lot to offer. The group, which meets Thursdays at 5p.m. in the Cove in the USC, hosts weekly gaming tournaments.

“We play everything,” said club president Matthew Bryant. “Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Street Fighter, and Injustice are some of those games.”
It’s not just about the games though. Members say the four-year-old club is a great way to make friends.
“Just don’t confuse us with the Role-Playing Game (RPG) club. We’re totally not the same thing,” said sophomore political science major Brendan Baez as he breezed through the levels of Super Street Fighter with Matthew.
An earlier version of this story misnamed the South Florida All Stars as “Starz in Motion.”