The campus administrator who oversaw Student Government, the Harborside Activities Board and other key student activities was abruptly removed from his position last week. The departure of Matt Morrin after
Year: 2017

Student body president and vice president campaigns started Monday, Feb. 20. As leader of the executive branch, the president is a fundamental role in the allocation of the activities and

The annual Campus Moviefest comes to USF St. Petersburg in less than a week. Whether you’re an aspiring filmmaker or simply looking for a creative outlet, this event is an

Waiting at an intersection on Airport Boulevard in Melbourne, a flurry of bright, colorful signs belonging to protesters contrasted with the red hats of President Donald Trump’s loyal followers, each

He walks the harbor barefoot, scooping up whatever junk he finds at the water’s edge. It’s his weekly ritual. A task he fits between classes, that nets him bag after

Everybody dies but not everybody lives. This may be true, however, what if it took dying to finally bring somebody to life? Now, this notion may sound impractical but in

This African-American history month, let’s discover new literature, music and film together. Every week in February I am going to search for material by African-American writers, performers and musicians. I
Making it through college involves more than an adequate IQ, rather it’s reliant on making time. If you’ve gotten this far, I’ll assume you’ve already been advised to “use your

After more than six years of disputing with his record label, Chicago rapper Lupe Fiasco is finally independent. His sixth studio album, DROGAS Light, launched Feb. 10 as his first

The USFSP Gospel Choir sang “Wade in the Water,” a popular spiritual, while chained to one another on the floor of the stage, a vivid resemblance of the 12.5 million