By Dinorah Prevost You’ve seen him around campus: dark green cowboy hat, a mug or paper coffee cup in hand, sitting at the bar at The Campus Grind. He’s usually
Year: 2017
By Tiffany Beyer Oh no, yet another annoying vegan rant. But listen up, because this is not about you, or the ethical treatment of animals. In order to help reduce
By Devin Rodriguez, Whitney Elfstrom and Timothy Fanning A small plane approaching Albert Whitted Airport made an emergency landing last Wednesday on a busy street 1.5 miles southwest of the
By Delaney Brown A 24-foot $10,000 sailboat crashed into the jetty of Lassing Park last Saturday. Driven by a waterfront patron, the engine lost engine power and drifted into the
By Jonah Hinebaugh Members of the “alt-right” frequently dox, or search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent. In
By Samantha Fiore I am emailing you regarding the front page of The Crows Nest from Oct. 16. As a student on this campus, I think the placement of this
By: Brianna Rodriguez As the end of the semester draws closer, registration for the new semester approaches. Academic advisers saw over 300 students this week and will continue to take
By Sav Gibbs I shouldn’t have to do this. I shouldn’t have to be the educated voice on gender for all of you who don’t live in the LGBTQ community,
By Sara M. McDonald “The Keepers” is a must-see Netflix original true-crime documentary which exposes a long history of sexual and emotional abuse in the 1960s at the hands of
By Michael Moore Jr. Several kids gather around the back of a rescue truck, pulling on a piece of tarp. They hoist a manatee out on a stretcher before gently