By Crow’s Nest Staff
The president of Student Government has threatened to cut off the funding of The Crow’s Nest.
In a letter to Editor-in-Chief Whitney Elfstrom on March 29, Daniel “Kaeden” Kelso said the newspaper’s registration as a student organization with the university’s Office of Leadership and Student Organizations has lapsed.
If the newspaper does not deliver “all proper documents” to renew its registration to LSO by 5 p.m. April 2, he wrote, SG will freeze its funding.
Kelso’s letter comes as Student Government finalizes the annual budgets for campus organizations – a process that has drawn scrutiny and criticism from the newspaper.
Elfstrom, who called the timing of the threat “certainly curious,” said The Crow’s Nest will meet Kelso’s “arbitrary deadline.”
The threat, she said, is “sophomoric harassment.”
Hey Crow’s Nest. If you are not an active student organization, and it appears you have refused to follow policy for at least 3 years, then you deserve to have your budgets frozen. Thanks to President Kelso in taking action against a group that clearly thinks they are above university policies and procedures. We need more people in administration to hold accountable those who refuse to follow protocols and regulations. The Crow’s Nest should be humiliated that they got caught with their pants down having taken student money and spent it when they were not authorized to do so. We are talking tens of thousands of dollars over the last 2 1/2 years. You should be ashamed of yourself, and Elfstrom should go hide her face in shame. I suggest the entire staff resign. But no, you will just take cheap shots at Kelso for doing his sworn duty (hold you accountable). “Sophomoric harassment”? You are all such hypocrites. Anyone with any common sense can see who the harasser is in this situation. That would be Elfstrom and her ‘fake news’ cronies on the Crow’s Nest. Who is advising this group anyway? How about some accountability regarding journalistic integrity and excellence. I hope it is not a professor, that would be a black eye for USFSP. I hope that USFSP administration ends the Crow’s Nest and gives funding to a more responsible and civil news organization.
@jonfoster no u