Story and photos by Jonah Hinebaugh Saturated indigo, yellow, magenta and imperial red powder fogged the University Student Center’s lawn – along with students, Cheryl the Bull and, sometimes, innocent
Day: April 7, 2019

By Emily Wunderlich A threat to freeze funding for The Crow’s Nest has ended. The threat came on March 29, when Student Government President Daniel “Kaeden” Kelso said the newspaper’s

By Amy Diaz In an attempt to address issues with transparency and outreach, two Student Government members drafted a bill to create a new position in the senate. There

By Dinorah Prevost Albert Moreno was asked to speak at TEDxUSFSP for the past few years, but he was too busy to prepare for it. He was working as chair

By Dylan Hart and Dinorah Prevost Artists and musicians from around St. Petersburg congregated in Williams Park on April 6 for the Good Vibes Only Festival. Student Government at USF