Pictured Above: Sen. Jeff Brandes (left), R-St. Petersburg, said he was surprised that the governor rejected the bill. Rep. Ben Diamond, D-St. Petersburg, said he was “stunned” by the governor’s veto.
Month: June 2021

Pictured above: After COVID-19 forced USF to host virtual or modified commencement ceremonies over the past year, the university has announced that it will return to a traditional, in-person commencement

Pictured above: Will Weatherford (left), a Tampa-based businessman who served in the Legislature from 2006 to 2014, will succeed Jordan Zimmerman, a Fort Lauderdale advertising executive, as the trustees’ chair.

Pictured above: Dr. R. Anthony Rolle (left) will return to USF to serve as the future dean of the college of education. Dr. David Rosengrant has assumed his new role

Pictured above: USF will receive $102 million from the U.S Department of Education to help struggling students and fund institutional purposes. Annalise Anderson | The Crow’s Nest By Isaiah Sterling