Pictured above: (from left to right) The SF All Stars Dance E Board: Vice President Lauren Obrador, Treasurer Andrea Garza, President Lexi Rizzotto, Production Manager Mclain Miller, Secretary Mya Bouie.
Courtesy of Emily Bogenrief
By Emily Bogenrief
It was the love of dance that brought students together on Tuesday, when the South Florida All Stars Dance Club kicked off its second week of in-person meetings.
South Florida All Stars Dance Club offers students a chance to learn a variety of dance styles, fostering a fun and supportive environment that anyone can be a part of.
The club’s executive board is excited to have students back for in-person classes after hosting virtual classes for the duration of 2020.
“Through COVID-19, it was difficult,” Treasurer Andrea Garza said. Andrea is a junior marine biology major and has been a part of All Stars Dance since 2019. She specializes in Latin dance and taught students Salsa and Bachata during its meeting.
Despite the challenges of hosting dance classes virtually, Andrea was inspired to put her all into the club when she witnessed the dedication of her teammates.
“When I saw that students were coming every meeting, participating and having a good time, it was worth it,” Garza said. “Now, seeing where we are, it gets me emotional. It’s amazing to see how this has become what it was. Now, what motivates me is everybody; I want everyone to have a good time, I want everyone to have fun.”
The club meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m.in Ballroom three of the University Student Center. Each week, club leaders focus on a specific style of dance to teach the class.
Tuesdays are for learning and perfecting technique, while Thursdays feature a “combo,” or a small dance, that the club learns based on what style they covered on Tuesday. Latin Dance, Jazz, Ballroom, and Contemporary dance are just a few styles they plan to cover this year.

Production Manager Mclain Miller wants students to know that the club is not only open to beginners, but for experienced dancers as well.
“We ensure that we tailor all of our classes to apply to all experience levels. For experienced dancers, there is the opportunity for challenges in this club,” Miller said.
A junior education major, Miller has been a ballet student for 10 years and will focus on teaching it in class this week.
Secretary Mya Bouie has been in the club since 2020 and is passionate about hip-hop dance. Her story is reflective of the inclusive and welcoming environment that the club provides the student body.
Starting off as relatively new to dance, her teammates recognized her potential and encouraged her progression.
“I wasn’t getting the steps…but they talked me through,” Bouie said. “I felt like I could be part of something on campus, which I had never thought was possible. And now, I am part of the E-board.”
Members of the club can take dance skills as far as they like with the club. Many students go on to audition for regional dance competitions. Alternatively, some members rely on the club to unwind from daily student life.
“Your academics, your tests, your homework…that always comes first. We will never penalize you for missing class, whether it be to study or complete an assignment. This is to get away from the homework,” Garza said.
In October, the club rehearses for its Homecoming performance. The style of dance for the performance is based on Homecoming’s theme. Vice President Lauren Obrador choreographed a jazz dance based around the Wizard of Oz theme for 2019.
With in-person activities resuming, Lauren is looking forward to choreographing another performance.
“I’m excited for that performing experience again and to choreograph again,” Obrador said. Lauren is a senior majoring in marine biology; she was vice president for last semester and is continuing her leadership position this year. “[Homecoming 2019] was exciting, because the girls I’m teaching got it, and look so easy doing it.”
In addition to Homecoming, the club performs a spring showcase, where members are encouraged to contribute to choreography and perform solo and group dances.
“The showcase is about everything we’ve been working on all year,” President Lexi Rizzotto said. Lexi is a political science senior and joined the club in 2019. She has been dancing for 17 years and specializes in tap dance and ballroom.
The South Florida All Stars Dance Club welcomes other campus organizations to participate in their showcase.
“The other clubs get to use it as a platform to not only promote themselves but showcase what they’ve been working on while we are in the back changing getting ready for our next dance,” Garza said.
The club also offers students a chance to get involved in the community. Every year, members perform at the city’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parade.
“You just have to want dance and want to learn” Rizzotto said.
“We would love to have any person join our team,” Miller said. “No matter your gender, your sexuality, your size. We want anyone and everyone to join. If people think that there’s limits, there isn’t.”
Emily Bogenrief is a junior history major at USF St. Petersburg