Pictured above: Winter the dolphin was rescued from a crab trap on the Florida’s east coast at the age of 2, and since has become an icon for the aquarium.
Courtesy of Clearwater Marine Aquarium
By Brianna Madden
Winter the dolphin, animal star of family films “Dolphin Tale” and “Dolphin Tale 2,” died in the arms of her caretakers at Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) at 8 p.m. on Nov. 11 after fighting an intestinal illness since Nov. 1.
CMA closed its doors to guests to focus on saving the aquarium’s icon. However, despite round-the-clock care and vigorous efforts from the staff, the beloved bottlenose dolphin passed.
The aquarium remained closed on Friday to give staff a chance to grieve and placed a single bouquet of flowers at the front door to pay tribute.
The aquarium held a memorial for Winter on Saturday with more ceremonies planned through Wednesday, featuring special events, increased levels of staff interaction with visitors and a complete memorial for visitors to leave letters, flowers and other gifts.
“There are people around here who have literally grown up with this animal, and they are sitting in corners crying,” said CMA chairperson Paul Auslander in a news release. “While we are all heartbroken over Winter’s death, I’m honored to work alongside such dedicated and talented individuals, who gave their all for Winter.”
CMA staff posted on Twitter and Instagram, “Winter, we love you,” announcing that grief counselors would be available for staff and giving thanks to all who sent messages with Winter in their hearts.
Even “Dolphin Tale” cast members told their stories of love for Winter. Harry Connick Jr., who played Dr. Clay, posted on Instagram, “my heart is heavy tonight, I’ll miss you sweet Winter.”
Winter entered the hearts of those at CMA in 2005, when a two-month-old dolphin washed up on the east coast of Florida with a crab trap wrapped around her tail. Despite 24-hour care by CMA staff, her tail needed to be amputated – a first for a dolphin.
The research carried out for Winters’ tail is being applied not only to other animal prosthetics, but humans too. The significance of her prosthetic is not the tail itself, but the sleeve that separates the tail from her very sensitive skin.
However, Winter isn’t famous for the research and medical attention she received.
Winter spent 16 years at the aquarium inspiring children, adults, and families with disabilities of their own. In times when people felt different, alone or useless, Winter was there to show that life was as good as you make it.
Winter’s story garnered international attention in 2011 when she starred in the film “Dolphin Tale” and again in 2014 in “Dolphin Tale 2.”
Winter became an icon of inspiration, attracting people from around the globe to see the resilient dolphin, her prosthetic tail and her determined heart.
The CMA website features many of these stories, including Stephanie Evans’s.
Evans is a 21-year-old with a severe genetic disorder who sometimes felt fighting wasn’t worth it anymore. However, on a vacation to Florida, she visited CMA and met Winter.
Inspired by Winter’s ability to live a normal and happy life despite endless medical procedures and obvious differences, Evans’ began fighting for her life once again.
Evans’ is now recovering after a successful transplant, and stays in touch with the staff at CMA.
People all around the world are mourning the loss of the resilient little dolphin that captured the hearts of millions. Her spirit and memory live on not only with the CMA, but with people around the world.
Winter was more than just an animal to many, and CMA encourages people to share their thoughts at rememberingwinter.com. While tears have fallen and hearts ridden with grief have broken, the world was lucky to have known and loved Winter.
Brianna Madden is a freshman marine biology major at USF St. Petersburg.

Brianna writes with feeling and compassion. I enjoy her writing alot.
From the first time i seen dolphin tale i was crying
now that I heard about winter i break in tears
every time I hear or see her Rest In Peace winter i love you.i know cma did everything they could and I totally respect that.i have never been to clearwater marine aquarium,but that is the first thing on my bucket list and I don’t care if winter isn’t there she is in my heart and I can’t wait to see her in heaven.