What comes to mind when you think of the Gulf of Mexico? As Floridians, we are privileged to live next to it, therefore we often associate it with beauty, beaches
Author: Luke Cross

Ambitious students donning professional business wear, with resumés in hand, flooded the USC ballrooms to network with employers at the Internship & Job Fair, Feb. 22. Stationed in individual booths,

There have been 42 college campus shootings in the United States since 2010, resulting in at least 50 dead and 64 injured. Statistics like this are a haunting reminder that

From the years of classes I may or may not have slept through in high school, there are two lessons I distinctly remember: the largest tarantula species can grow to

Lofty goals such as the doubling of part-time job opportunities on campus, reducing the cost of textbooks by half and adding 25 new majors (see list below) to the campus

Jan. 20 marked the day when Donald Trump traded in the title of President-elect for leader of the free world. Much like his campaign, Trump’s inauguration was atypical in every

Lea Umberger stared in disbelief at the sheer number of people walking down Baum Avenue Saturday night. Located off Central Avenue near the Green Bench Brewing Co., thousands of people

Citizens of our fair country have a right to the most potent and influential power in shaping government, their inalienable democratic voice. This power, however, is not fully demonstrated in

Update: Coast Bike Share has stated that the bikes are for use in downtown St. Petersburg, and that they are not officially partnered with USF. Student interest may lead to further