Image courtesy of Amy Holloway By Peturla Scarlett The first thing Amy Holloway does when she begins work is look through her email to check if there’s anything new pending
Author: Peturla Scarlett

Image courtesy of Geveryl Robinson. By Peturla Scarlett To Geveryl Robinson, teaching is more than just a job. It’s a way to help the next generation find their own voice

Courtesy João Ferrão on Unsplash By Peturla Scarlett With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes various possibilities for students and faculty alike at the University of South Florida St.

Courtesy of Steven Duverge By Peturla Scarlett Joseph Kenny, the Education Abroad Program Advisor at the University of South Florida (USF), spent a semester in Shanghai when he was a

BSA aims to provide a community for Black students and educate on the culture. Courtesy of BSA By Peturla Scarlett The Black Student Association (BSA) at the University of South

Courtesy of Peturla Scarlett Neatly stacked shelves of food and care products can be seen inside the Support-A-Bull Market. By Peturla Scarlett The University of South Florida St. Peterburg campus