Pictured Above: Because he was placed on “disciplinary probation” following a Title IX investigation, Isaiah Castle says, SG’s “archaic rules” are forcing him to step down. Courtesy of Isaiah Castle
Author: Sophie Ojdanic

Pictured Above: Campus Recreation has signs posted on campus advertising that the boathouse is open for rentals. Courtesy of Tara Zimmerman By Sophie Ojdanic USF St. Petersburg’s boathouse reopened Feb.

Pictured Above: Sean Schrader (left) said if he is elected to the Senate, his goal is to ensure the campus has a strong voice in the federal branch. Makenna Caskey

Courtesy of Matt McCann By Nancy McCann and Sophie Ojdanic Spring enrollment of new students at the St. Petersburg campus hasn’t sprung, as some campus leaders had once hoped. Instead,

Pictured Above: (From left) USF President Steve Currall poses with Sprowls and Tom Frazer, dean of the College of Marine Science, after Friday’s news conference. Sophie Ojdanic | The Crow’s

Pictured Above: Will Weatherford was named to the board in late January. Courtesy of Weatherford Capital By Sophie Ojdanic Will Weatherford, one of the newest members of the USF Board

Pictured Above: Gustavo Spangher and Yovela Debesay issued statements via social media announcing their resignation from candidacy as system-wide president and vice president. Courtesy of @gustavoandyovela2021 on Instagram By Sophie

Pictured Above: ‘The Little Things’ stars Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto. Courtesy of IMDB By Sophie Ojdanic At the movie theater where I work, we have a regular

Pictured Above: The past three semesters, students have found themselves spending days in front of the computer using online services like Canvas, which the university uses as a class dashboard.

Pictured Above: Students stood socially distanced outside the Marshall Student Center with signs promoting free speech on university campuses. Courtesy of Taylor Cook By Sophie Ojdanic and Trevor Martindale A