It came out of the blue last week. Powerful legislators want to roll back history and end USFSP’s independent accreditation. What would that mean? No one – not administrators, not
Category: Accreditation

Above photo: Students from all three USF system campuses were tasked with lobbying Florida legislators in February 2017. Michael Moore Jr. | The Crow’s Nest What’s all the fuss I’m

By Jeffrey Waitkevich Interim Regional Chancellor Martin Tadlock sought faculty and staff opinions at a Friday forum while keeping hush about his own. “I have my own thoughts about this,

By Michael Moore Jr. Rep. Ray Rodrigues, R-Estero, is officially the sponsor of a bill that would utterly change the landscape of the University of South Florida system. However, it’s

By Michael Moore Jr., Jeffrey Waitkevich and Nancy McCann A proposal to roll back history and abolish the independent accreditation of USF St. Petersburg passed its first legislative hurdle Wednesday while

By Nancy McCann Buried in a 52 page bill awaiting action in the Legislature is a proposal that would abolish the independent accreditation of USF St. Petersburg. If adopted, the