The Student Life Center (left), which has been a hub of campus activities since 1990, would be named for former USF President Judy Genshaft under a proposal that the Board
Category: News
President Rhea Law selected Christian Hardigree to replace Martin Tadlock as regional chancellor of the University of South Florida St Petersburg. Courtesy of USF By Aubrey Carr After weeks of
The library renovations come just a few weeks away from the end of the spring semester and are planned to be completed in September of this year. Courtesy of Sofía
Student Government’s new bill aims to increase partnership between USF’s campuses and their surrounding cities through student volunteering opportunities. Courtesy of USF By Aubrey Carr The University of South Florida’s
The nonprofit organization, Tampa Bay Wave, partnered with the USF Muma College of Business to create the FinTech program. Courtesy of USF By Sophia George The University of South Florida’s
Taking effect on July 1, the law will shorten the legal timeframe for an abortion from 24 weeks to 15 — challenging precedents set by Roe v. Wade. Courtesy of
Pictured above: Skyla Luckey was an instructor of three core classes in the Department of Journalism and Digital Communication before being placed on leave. By Molly Ryan An adjunct instructor
David Rosengrant (left), interim director of education at St. Petersburg and a STEM professor, is one of the leaders of USF’s MESA program. Rosengrant believes St. Petersburg is “the ideal
The recently elected governor and lieutenant governor, Sean Schrader and Joshua Rampertab, plan to use their experience to achieve sustainability and stability. Courtesy of Sofía García Vargas | The Crow’s
Commenting on vacancies in university administration, Law expressed the need for ‘somebody that’s excited about USF.’ Courtesy of USF After her confirmation as the University of South Florida’s eighth president