St. Petersburg bar opens doors to local artists

For Bends bar-owner Craig Dragoonis, mixing a drink is serious business.

If good art is enhanced by a good libation, then the reverse must also be true.

At least, that is how Craig Dragoonis and his friends, owners of The Bends bar on First Avenue North, are doing the math.

A few months ago they decided to open their doors and their walls to the artists of St. Petersburg, displaying temporary galleries and exposing locals to art they might not otherwise have seen.

“St. Pete really needed this,” said local Kevin Simpson, who visits the bar a couple times a week. “And it’s awesome that they’re willing to support the local scene.”

For the first half of February, the theme was bones. Dragoonis and his friends worked with artist Nicole Morris to organize the show. When all of the pieces were assembled, the six participating artists came in and set up shop, lining the bar with photographs, paintings, a cut-out collage and several taxidermy specimens. The bar-owners hosted an opening night party with live music.

The display changes every month. “We’ve had illustrations, fashion photography. The art adds to the atmosphere. It’s a super fun place to be,” Dragoonis said.

The venue has advantages for the artists as well. “It’s not the typical art gallery crowd,” Morris said. “All walks of life people come here.”

The bartenders are authorized to sell whichever pieces patrons are interested in, or at least get them in contact with the right artist. Dragoonis says so far they have gotten a great response from visitors, selling a lot of art and alcohol.

A native of Scotland, Dragoonis traveled abroad and lived in Australia for a few years before settling in St. Petersburg. He came to be with family and friends who live in the area.

Starting the bar was a dream of several close friends, and it didn’t take long before they convinced him to join in.

“It was amazing how quickly it started escalating into a reality,” Dragoonis said.

The Bends has also been quick to become popular with locals. It shares a building with a tattoo parlor and an art gallery, a collective environment that Dragoonis is proud to be a part of.

According to Morris, it is that kind of supportive network between local artists and businesses that is progressing the culture of St. Petersburg so fast.

In addition to hosting shows, the owners hired several artists to create permanent installations in the bar. A light fixture fashioned from bullet casings was a collaborative effort between Morris and local metal worker Frank Strunk. A wall-size painting by anonymous street artist STOIC lies in the back of the bar behind a disc jockey booth.

With more pieces soon to come, The Bends truly is a local affair.

Photo by Ryan Ballogg.

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