Over the past few months, utensils such as plates, forks and spoons have gone missing from The Reef, the campus dining room.
Louis Duran, manager of The Reef, told The Crow’s Nest he has seen the utensils all around campus even though they aren’t supposed to leave the University Student Center’s dining area . Custodian services told Duran that they found plates stashed in the residence halls.
As a result, housing and residence life sent out an email warning students of the consequences of taking utensils: The prices at the Reef could increase.
The Crow’s Nest recently talked to some students to get their thoughts on the missing dishes.
Harmony Mckenzie, a first year student, said she would rather have paper and plastic utensils especially if it helped lower prices at The Reef.
“It would be so much easier to recycle the paper plates, instead of having to return them after each use,” she said.
Last year, at the request of students, The Reef used paper and plastic utensils. But when students told The Reef they wanted to focus on sustainability and eco friendly options, The Reef transitioned back to the original utensils.
Regarding The Reef’s prices, Duran said The Reef examines the cost of production, labor and packaging.
Duran also mentioned that the price increase on certain products, such as beverages, is a direct reflection of what the company wants. For example, if Coca Cola asks The Reef to increase the prices on its products, The Reef must comply.
Students on the meal plan receive a 10 percent discount on every purchase.
Duran said if commuters and those not on the meal plan want to receive the 10 percent discount, they should purchase a meal plan or SharkBites, where dollar amounts are loaded onto a student’s ID card to be used at meal plan locations. The amount of money purchased in SharkBites determines the discount amount received.
To purchase SharkBites, visit https:#usfsp.sodexomyway.com/dining-plans/index.html.