Thirty vendors set up outside Black Crow Coffee Co in celebration of the coffee shops third birthday. Whitney Elfstrom | The Crow’s Nest By Amy Diaz What do you get
Day: November 26, 2018

By mid-November, stores across America had Christmas music playing and decorations on full display. Courtesy of DarkoStojanovic/Pixnio By Dylan Hart We’re finally approaching December. Congratulations, everyone: You survived another November with Christmas

Although the Bulls were defeated Friday in their rivalry game against UCF, USF still holds the all-time lead in the War on I-4 series, 6-4. In 2007 (pictured), the Bulls

After nearly two decades of serving as the USF system president, Judy Genshaft announced her retirement effective July 2019. Jonah Hinebaugh | The Crow’s Nest By Dylan Hart The USF

By Martha Rhine Watching Christmas movies, shopping for gifts, and making cookies are all traditional holiday pastimes, as is looking for Christmas lights. Plenty of neighborhoods in the area put

Share the gift of sweetness with fresh baked cookies. Brianna Rodriguez | The Crow’s Nest By Brianna Rodriguez The holidays are filled with cheer, cocoa and gift giving. But, as

Adjunct Spanish professor Maria Perez was hired by the university in 2015 and abruptly resigned Nov. 13 with only three weeks left in the semester. Courtesy of USFSP World Languages

The film, that has spent seven decades ushering in the holiday season, began as a Christmas card before the rights were purchased by RKO Radio Pictures. Courtesy of RKO Radio

With awards season right around the corner, these are the must-see movies for the rest of 2018. Courtesy of Jose Manuel Mazintosh By Bryce Lawson With the 2018 movie season