Pictured Above: The chart above outlines changes in summer enrollment at USF St. Petersburg since 2016. Courtesy of Matt McCann By Nancy McCann Summer enrollment of new freshmen at USF
Month: July 2020

Pictured Above: Students have taken to social media following denials for federal financial aid under the CARES Act. Cassidy Schuck | The Crow’s Nest By Catherine Hicks Of the nearly

Pictured Above: Many of the incidents described by female students and alumnae “have to do with fraternities and sororities,” the chair of the Women’s and Gender Studies Department tells the

Pictured Above: “I would like to encourage survivors to trust that there is an entire community that is on your side and supporting you through your recovery,” Sexual Assault Survivors

Pictured Above: “Sexual victimization is all too common,” says a letter drafted by professor Diane Price Herndl (right) chair of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies Department, and sent

Pictured Above: Taniya Tinsley is a senior marketing major at USF St. Petersburg. Courtesy of Taniya Tinsley By Taniya Tinsley In March, a 26-year-old emergency medical technician named Breonna Taylor

Pictured Above: Almost 70 allegations have been made against USF alum and current students on Twitter account @SurvivorsUSF, many of which accused members of USF Greek life. Aya Diab |

Pictured Above: Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed funding for USF’s Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning and its Youth in Government Civics Fellows program. Courtesy of Gage Skidmore By Sophie Ojdanic

Pictured Above: Students have until Aug. 1 to cancel their housing application if their classes turn out to be only online, according to an email from Housing and Residential Education