The Internet is a vast and scary place, full of unseen faces and an ever-growing pile of jargon. One term commonly used by Internet cronies is “herp derp.” Don’t worry,
Author: Crow's Nest Staff
When he wakes up in the morning Wylie gets in a little exercise before breakfast. He puts on his uniform and heads for his office at USF St. Petersburg. Sometimes

Luckily for humanity, the world didn’t end last month. Maybe 13 isn’t such an unlucky number after all. Drink a toast to the Mayans and don’t take it for

For all the disappointment USF fans have faced during the college football season, the current men’s basketball team has the potential to be the perfect pick-me-up. While students have been
From some music-forsaken place sprang the idea that any song with jingle bells constituted good holiday music. Unfortunately for us, record labels everywhere agreed. At least now we can appreciate
Sources close to Tampa Bay Rowdies goalkeeper Jeff Attinella tell The Crow’s Nest he will sign a contract with Real Salt Lake of Major League Soccer. An announcement is expected
The hot topic of energy and climate change has been part of the presidential debates since 1988. This election is the first time since that candidates have been silent on
Men’s Basketball, NCAA Third Round, 2012 is inscribed on a green and gold banner rising high above the court of the newly renovated Sun Dome during South Florida’s 2012-13 season
Five Man Electrical Band summed up election time best in their 1971 hit, “Signs.” “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign! Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind.” Election time strings mini-billboards
Sodexo General Manager Louis Duran is implementing new ways for students to leave feedback and have their grievances addressed following complaints that food at the Reef lacks variety and taste,