Opinion: Fox News hosts mock women

What can we say about the ever-objective, quality news outlet that is Fox News?

The complete opposite.

Fox News has made its name by taking news and turning into vitriol-laden opinion, obscuring facts and blowing past reason.

The latest sexist remarks to come from the channel were made by the charming duo of Greg Gutfeld and Eric Bolling. Their target: Abu Dhabi-born Major Mariam Al Mansouri, 35, the United Arab Emirate’s first female pilot. Mansouri, an F-16 pilot, led airstrike missions this week against the Islamic terror group ISIS.

In a segment on Fox News Channel’s The Five on Wednesday, co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle congratulated Mansouri on her accomplishment. “Hey ISIS, you were bombed by a woman,” Guilfoyle said. “Oh yeah, hell came down on ISIS in Syria because – guess what – the first female pilot, piloting for the UAE; there she was, leading the strikes, dropped the bombs on ISIS on Monday night.”

After Guilfoyle’s praise, the segment took a turn into anti-feminism territory thanks to Gutfeld and Bolling.

“Problem is: After she bombed it, she couldn’t park it,” Gutfeld said.

“Would that be considered boobs on the ground or no?” Bolling said.

They followed their demeaning remarks with proud laughter, while Guilfoyle sunk her head into her hand and repeatedly said, “Why did they ruin my thing?”

Fox News, a channel that has never been known for fairness or equality, dropped to a new low. It begs one to wonder: Where would these anchors be without their teleprompters? Are any of these people journalists? We are talking about a network that has boasted alliances with loudmouths Glenn Beck, a sheisty gold-peddler, and Rush Limbaugh, a racist shock-jock.

The boorish comments made by Gutfeld and Bolling probably earned them some meatheaded high-fives before the backlash came. No, that isn’t a typo: Fox News succumbed to the backlash, which came from numerous sources, including U.S. military veterans.

“We are veterans of the United States armed forces, and we are writing to inform you that your remarks about United Arab Emirates Air Force Major Mariam Al Mansouri were unwarranted, offensive, and fundamentally opposed to what the military taught us to stand for,” said an open letter, signed by dozens of members of the Truman National Security Project, to Fox News. The Project unites veterans of the various branches of the U.S. military.

“When I got home, I got the look and realized some people didn’t think it was funny at all,” said Bolling in his on-air apology during Thursday’s episode of The Five. “I said sorry to my wife and I apologize to all of you as well. I just want to make that very clear.”

Gutfeld, on the other hand, said that people misinterpreted his joke. Oh, that Gutfeld, such a classy guy.

Meanwhile, Mansouri, the woman who continues to risk her life for the liberty of her people, has allegedly been estranged by her family.

“We the Mansouri family in the United Arab Emirates hereby publicly declare that we disown the so-called Mariam Al Mansouri as well as anyone taking part in the brutal international aggression against the brotherly Syrian people, starting with our ingrate daughter, Mariam Al Mansouri,” said an anonymous statement claiming to be from Mansouri’s family.

The funniest thing about Gutfeld’s and Bolling’s moronic jokes is that they became the punchline. After all, they probably couldn’t start an F-16.

Mark Wolfenbarger, a senior majoring in mass communications, is the news editor. He can be reached at wolfenbarger@mail.usf.edu or on Twitter @Steel_Canvas.


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One thought on “Opinion: Fox News hosts mock women

  1. Why can’t people be proud for a lady pilot who risks her life for the sake of others. I will never listen to these two presenters again. And if they think i am speaking nonsense…..Quote… Forgive me my nonsense as I forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense(ROBERT FROST) Greg Gutted and Eric Bolling need to think before they speak. I as an American am very proud to live in this country for 24 years and so proud to have children who are U.A.E. citizen and will always be proud of Mariam Al Mansouri for her actions. May Allah bless her.

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