Student guide to spring cleaning

Prepare for finals by having a fresh room and a clear mind

It’s almost that time of year again – finals season.

Professors pile on homework assignments and projects in hopes that it will prepare their students for finals.

If your professors are anything like mine, you probably have at least one research paper, a group project and around 300 pages of reading before the extra-complicated, probably cumulative exams of finals week.

Most of my nights are spent at a coffee shop or library, which has caused me to completely neglect my room.

The most I might be in my room in one day is eight hours, and that’s usually when I am asleep or getting ready for work.

Due to the lack of attention my room receives, it’s starting to look more like a department store than the place I go to relax – with newspapers, books and homework assignments taking over my desk and dirty clothes bursting my laundry baskets at the seams.

It’s definitely time for a day of cleaning.

If your room has reached this point, stick around for some of my spring cleaning and decluttering tips that can make your room the stress-free environment it should be.

Before you start attacking the mess head-on, you will need a few cleaning items:

  • Trash Bags
  • Gloves
  • Washcloth
  • Multi-purpose cleaner or disinfecting wipes
  • A good music playlist
  • Broom

Now that you have your supplies, it’s time to get cleanin’.

  1. Start a load of laundry. Dirty clothes usually take up the most space in a dorm room, so washing dirty clothes first will free up a lot of space.

    Courtesy of Her Campus
    Courtesy of Her Campus
  2. Take out the trash. Take the time to sort through the things on your floor and throw away old coffee containers, empty water bottles and useless papers. If you have a recycling bin on your floor – use it.
  3. Clean the surface. Now that you can somewhat see your desk again, it’s time to clean it off. Place all of your desk and dresser items on your chair or floor and wipe them off; dust and dirt tend to accumulate in places you can’t really see. Once you’re done place the items neatly back into their spots. 

    Courtesy of Her Campus
    Courtesy of Her Campus
  4. Fold your laundry. At this point your clothes should be clean, so take the time to neatly fold and put them away. The number one reason clean clothes end up on the floor is either people forget to put them away, or don’t feel like it. Trust me, the few minutes it takes is worth it.
  5. Organize your shoes. My room is basically my only rest area, so when I finally make it to my room, I kick off my shoes and they stay where they land. While you’re in the cleaning spirit, put all your kicks in one neat, designated area. This will make changing shoes a lot easier because you won’t have to search for a matching pair. 

  6. Sweep your floor. Even though you can see your floor again, it doesn’t mean it’s clean/ it might still be a little dirty. Use a broom or swiffer and make sure to move your stuff around because dust and dirt like to hide under furniture, too.
  7. Create a “clean-smelling” atmosphere. There’s nothing like walking into a freshly-cleaned room that smells like flowers or sunshine or cookies – whatever you prefer. Swing by any Publix or CVS is closer and grab an air freshener. 

  8. Make your bed. This way, when you’re done, you can fly face-first for a nap. Plus it looks pretty.

As final exams and projects approach, you are going to need a getaway to relaxation place.

A clean room will provide the organized, stress-free environment that’s more than necessary to unwind after a long day of work and school.

Happy cleaning.

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