Illustration by MK Brittain

By James Bennett III

I really wish there was some convenient kicker quote to end this story.

I’ve been writing for The Crow’s Nest for about two and a half years. The paper swallowed me whole as a squeamish newbie with imposter syndrome and is now spitting me out as a proud and confident reporter.

I remember watching the previous staff write their farewell columns last year. Somebody was playing “The Times They Are a-Changin’” by Bob Dylan. Now, with “uncertain” being the most overused word in daily headlines, the freewheelin’ poet is singing through my own speakers.

Courtesy of James Bennett III

I have decided that my goal, moving forward, is to infect people with compassion, a sense of community and the truth before they have the chance to defend themselves. As it turns out, journalism is an awfully fun way of accomplishing that goal.

There are many admirable reasons that people get into this profession. I’ll admit that my reason is entirely selfish. I just want to learn something new every day, meet the members of my community and experience life through a wide-angle lens. The responsibility of arming my neighbors with the information needed to make up their own minds will be an enjoyable, albeit heavy, side effect. 

Make no mistake: The future holds a bounty of challenges. I anticipate long hours and sharp-toothed critics aboard this turbulent industry that is sometimes referred to as a “sinking ship.”

However, working late nights in The Crow’s Nest newsroom — sometimes pulling all-nighters — I’ve learned two things: the truth will prevail, and I will help share that truth until I’m ready to join the dead. 

The Crow’s Nest was, of course, a second family to me. I am so proud of everyone who I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Before I was even on staff, I constantly tried to embed myself in the newsroom just to get closer with the fantastic people who worked there.

To the staff members who became my second family, I’d like to say thank you for putting up with my shenanigans, unwarranted ramblings and horrible puns. I love you all and expect fantastic things from each of you.

To the Crow’s Nest staff that follows, I would like to impart some words of encouragement. You will soon embark on a thrilling, worthwhile adventure. Enjoy the ride because it goes by quickly. You won’t be paid diddly squat, but the experience is worth more than gold. 

You won’t be alone, either. You have each other to share the burdens, and USF St. Petersburg’s journalism faculty can be an invaluable resource for anyone seeking help. Especially Rob Hooker; that man is a saint.

Finally, dear readers, I have a few requests. Please support your local newspapers and cheer on the hungry college students who are learning from their mistakes. I would also appreciate any constructive, or at least passionate, criticism of my work. You can reach me at or follow me on Twitter @WritesJt.

Thank you, and ta ta for now,

James Bennett III

News Editor

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2 thoughts on “Column: Ta Ta For Now

  1. Hey. I worked with Rob for 30 years at the Times. And you’re right. He’s the best. Now I have to tell you that I hate you. You’re just out of college and you write better than I ever could. That’s not fair! Jim, never stop seeking answers, asking questions and telling a good story. Every time you write something, you get a little better. We’re all very proud of you. Say hi to Sophie for me.

  2. Great insight JT, we very much appreciated your comments and wit. Go forth and keep spreading your messages. Cheers!!

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