OPINION: Natural ways to heal yourself

Pictured above: Crystals are believed to have holistic healing properties that help align the seven chakras.

Courtesy of Mykayla Grecco | The Crow’s Nest

By Mykayla Grecco 

Our bodies work in mysterious ways. In listening and using our own body, we can naturally heal ourselves; this is considered holistic medicine.  

Holistic medicine isn’t just about healing one area physically. It provides healing for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is a natural remedy that uses your body to help pinpoint where you need support. Of course, where you already know you need it.  

Holistic medicine, according to WebMD, is defined as healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and can help you gain balance in your life. 

Two popular types of this healing are acupuncture and crystals. 

Emily Egan, an acupuncturist at St. Pete Community Acupuncture, said the many things she treats are pains, such as back and shoulders, and mental and emotional struggles such as anxiety and depression.   

“In dealing with anxiety, we try to identify and differentiate the cause to figure out which acupuncture point to use. This can help kind of shut off the fight or flight response, and if that isn’t enough, we delve deeper,” Egan said.  

Holistic medicine can be a healthier alternative to anti-depressants and anxiety medication.  

Egan suggests to her patients, for the best results, they should come in at least two or three times a week. As she monitors their progress, they can start to taper off and have sessions ranging from once a month to every other month.  

Many people may be fearful and steer away from acupuncture because of the misconception that it is painful.  

Egan stated that the needles used are called filiform needles. “They are really really small and thin, they are designed to separate tissue, not cut through tissue like a hypodermic needle that is used for injections.”   

Some needles that are used are painless. Egen said patients tell her all the time that they only felt one out of 20 needles in a session. 

Kelah Lehart, an employee at St. Petersburg’s Wings Metaphysical Gifts and Books, has used crystals to help her heal emotionally.  

Lehart gravitated to crystals because of the earthly and spiritual connections they possess.  

Lehart explains to her customers that using crystals on your different energy points can help align your chakras because they are energy sources.  

Chakras are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being, according to Healthline.  

“With putting certain crystals on their corresponding chakra point, you will be able to balance that area,” Lehart said. In balancing all your chakra points you will be able to release negative energy and emotion, which helps your entire state of being.  

Crystals aren’t just a one-time fix; one must use and work with them continuously to see and utilize them. Lehart suggested meditating with crystals to help amplify the benefits. 

Not all healing requires a doctor’s visit. Our bodies know best where we are hurting and struggling and need healing. So, why not listen to your body and utilize it? 

Mykayla Grecco is a junior digital communications and multimedia journalism major at USF St. Petersburg.   

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One thought on “OPINION: Natural ways to heal yourself

  1. I loved it when you said that holistic medicine isn’t just about healing one area physically. It provides healing for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My sister has told me that she wants to try reconnective healing since she has had a lot of stress in her lower back lately. I’ll be sure to share this with her as she continues to search for professional reconnective healing.

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