Opinion: Can YouTube really solve our problems?

Can technology help us do everything? It is hard to go a day without hearing someone say “hold on, let me Google it.” We have become so dependent on technology, and the younger generation is the worst offender. With Google and Youtube showing us tutorials on almost anything, is it too much?

There are videos to show us how to apply makeup, how to tie a tie, and how to help with school. There are even YouTube channels dedicated to showing the world how to do math problems step by step. What happened to reading books or the old fashioned “trial and error” method?

The answer is convenience. Why would we go to the library and check out books when we can just “YouTube it” and have someone show us what to do? The era of technology has given us many conveniences, and having a personal teacher is icing on the cake.

YouTube star, Ingrid Nilsen, has over two million subscribers, and she makes video about crafts, makeup, decorating, and travel. Along with many others, she also makes tutorials on Halloween costumes and makeup.

Gone are the days of festive magazines and craft books, search YouTube and find thousands of videos to make your own costume and decorate your party without ever leaving your home.

What would happen if all of this wiped away?

Could we learn to go buy books to educate ourselves? Could we bear the idea of trying our own crafts using our creativity? Of course humans adapt to change, we have to, but we have become accustomed to not needing to think for ourselves, and this is bothersome.

Imitation is a form of flattery, and it is a form of laziness.

We can’t search “how to live.” Living comes from experiences and learning, not from a person through a computer screen showing us the latest lipstick swatch. (Although it may be beautiful).

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