Alleviating the weight on your shoulders can be as simple as a change of scenery or a bite into some good food. With these momentary breaks, you let go of the anxiety and pressure that comes from being a college student. You can’t expect a complete 360 # pizza and Chipotle are only temporary, I’m sorry # but incorporating a handful of habits into your weekly or monthly schedule can really allow for some peace of mind.

Go for a walk. Take away all the downtown hustle and bustle, and St. Petersburg is really spectacular. Campus residents and nearby commuters have access to seemingly unlimited pathways and diverse scenery, all within only a couple of miles. From the colorfully painted walls on Central, to the small parks going up the coast of St. Pete, to a perfect view of our bay, there’s something for everybody. Walking naturally relieves stress and calms the active mind. Plus, it’s good exercise and allows you to get some fresh air and vitamin D.

Make a playlist. Take a few minutes to arrange a playlist of feel-good songs. Include timeless classics like “Don’t Stop Believin’” or “Bohemian Rhapsody,” songs you probably find yourself syncing to. Include inspiring lyrics and uplifting sounds; for you, it could be Beyoncé. For others, it could be the Lord of the Rings film score. Whatever energizes you, pack it into the mix.

Change your scenery: After listening to your personalized, feel-good playlist, and once you’ve found some peace along that walk, stop. Find a wooden bench, a metal picnic table, a soft patch of grass or a block of concrete by the water. Open up your textbook and start reading. Finish an assignment. Plan your essay. Soak up the sunshine and get things done. Or, visit a local cafe and set up shop there. Whatever you do, relax.

Cook a good meal. With campus dining, a local Publix and countless restaurants on the radar, taking the time to prepare something homemade may seem like a waste of time. Some people are good at math, some have a green thumb and others are natural athletes. But the good news is, you don’t necessarily have to be a chef to make something delicious. If you can read and follow directions, you’re halfway there. Find an interesting recipe online, go get yourself some ingredients and cook something for yourself by yourself. Add more sugar, add more salt # whatever you want. Garnish the heck out of it and enjoy.

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