A friendly reminder during the frenzy of finals


IMG_2672It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…no just the worst


We all know the tips and tricks of finals week. Get enough sleep, eat enough food, get enough exercise – basically, just survive.

It’s funny how this hectic time gets us so stressed and disoriented that most of the “tips” offered tend to remind us how to complete basic tasks like eating and sleeping.

Nevertheless, every time I read a list or post with these reminders, well, it actually reminds me.

I mean, half of us have no idea what time it is, let alone what day it is.

Still, somehow, some way, finals week will come to a close. The semester will be over and we will all be playing in the snow – ahem, sand – in no time. I know that sounds like a far-off utopian paradise right about now, but it isn’t a mirage.

Don’t give up. We’ve all come this far to get it done, and we didn’t work our tails off this entire time just to call it quits in the 11th hour.

Be the Bulls I know we all are, and charge into those pesky tests with full force.

And then, take a nap.


P.S: Also, I’ve heard that listening to classical music, chewing gum and something about strong scents can help us retain information, or something like that.


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